Are lesbians crazy? Well, it doesn’t necessarily have to be. Lesbians are not necessarily mad, and the stigma attached to them only feeds their mental health issues. If you’ve ever been called a slut or a lesbian, you know the kind of experience I’m talking about. So, what makes lesbians crazy? Read on to find out. Listed below are some of the things that make lesbians crazy.

What Makes Lesbians Crazy
What Makes Lesbians Crazy?

Dramatic Death

In a recent Tumblr post, someone wondered why Hollywood keeps killing off lesbians. It is an age-old trope, and we have all seen it in horror films and TV shows, but it’s time to stop perpetuating this trend. Here’s what you should know about the trope and how to avoid re-enacting it in real life. You can read the whole thing here!

The CW’s The 100 recently killed off its lesbian warrior Lexa after they consummated their love. This prompted an unprecedented fan backlash. The show’s writers and producers heard the fan cry and launched a Twitter campaign. In light of the fervor, the showrunners decided to rewrite the episode. This has led to some fan boycotts and a change of heart from the original creators.

Sexual Depravity

The term “crazy lesbian” is not always a correct one. The term refers to lesbians who engage in physical contact with other women. While touching may be a pleasant experience for some lesbians, it is completely irrational for lesbians. Moreover, lesbians must free their libido of the orgasm-seeking impulse. In the process, they destroy their bodies and the lives of those who touch them.

Unrequited Love

Several examples of lesbian ‘craziness’ have been depicted in popular culture. A ‘jealous psycho’ lesbian, for example, is prone to delusions and murderous behavior. In both cases, unrequited love has pushed the lesbian character to the extreme. Sadly, these types of ‘crazy lesbians’ don’t always live up to their names.

In this unrequited love melodrama, two lesbian women are forced to meet. One is Nora, a single elementary school teacher who shares a studio with her student’s mother. She has a powerful erotic and intellectual attraction to the mother of her student. The other is Hagar, who pawns her son’s diamond ring to avoid being evicted from their apartment.

Being Called A Slut

Are you sick of being called a slut by ‘crazy’ lesbians? If so, you’re not alone. Many bisexual women have experienced the same fate. Lesbians are often shamed for their sexuality or chosen sex orientation, but they must overcome their fear of being called a’slut’. Here are a few tips for coping with this situation.

Despite the widespread use of the term, there are few reliable statistics to back up this belief. Studies have shown that 18.7% of adolescents aged 13 to 18 have been called’slut’ at least once. Of these, 10.4% have experienced the insult more than once. In addition, nearly 25% of young Europeans aged 13-17 have been the victim of sexual rumors. Seventy percent have experienced sexist and homophobic online insults.

Having Sex With Any Woman

“Having sex with any woman with crazy ses” is not an appropriate term for lesbian sex. Lesbians often engage in various sex acts and don’t need a cis partner in order to have a good time. However, it is important to know that sex can be satisfying and not necessarily end in an orgasm. Here are a few tips for enjoying sex with a lesbian.

First, lesbians have different anatomy than heterosexuals. While one partner may have erogenous zones, the other may not. During lesbian sex, lesbians often use the mouth and tongue to stimulate each other’s erogenous zones. They also commonly use the breasts for stimulation. They may even use fruit as a tool to get the job done.