The term stem is a racially specific identifier that originated within the Black and Latinx LGBTQ community. Stems have a perfect blend of masculine and feminine energy, style, and expression.

What is a Stem Female Lgbt
What is a Stem Female Lgbt?

Traditionally, science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) subjects have been thought of as masculine fields. This can be intimidating to LGBTQ+ individuals who wish to pursue a career in these fields.


A stem female lgbt is someone who expresses her gender in a mixed butch and feminine style. They can wear menswear or menswear inspired clothes but keep some feminine traits like their body shape, long hair, makeup, and using feminine accessories.

Stems are a term that was created in the Black and Latinx community to indentify lesbians who were combining a mix of butch and femme characteristics within their style. However, this term has been a topic of controversy among caucasion lesbians as well, who may have used it without understanding the meaning behind it or how it can be offensive to others.

Those who identify as stems can be cisgender, trans, agender, or non-binary. The pronouns they use will depend on the gender identity that they are claiming, but she/her and they/them are the most common ones.

Chapstick Lesbian

Chapstick is a popular term in the LGBTQ community, referring to a lesbian who falls somewhere in between lipstick and butch. This variety of lgbt can be found in many different walks of life and is a very important part of the lesbian community.

Lipstick lesbians are renowned for being the most feminine variety of lgbt in society. They dress to impress, can walk in stilettos and know how to apply liquid eyeliner flawlessly.

Butch lesbians, on the other hand, are more masculine-looking women with traits that stray towards femininity. They may wear a baseball cap or short hair instead of long locks, and are more likely to dress in men’s clothing.

A Chapstick lesbian, on the other hand, is more of a low-maintenance woman who doesn’t need too much makeup to feel pretty. She may not be as hyper-feminine or as butch-looking as a butch lesbian, but she knows how to take care of herself and can be a great partner.

Stem Lesbian

A stem female lgbt is someone who identifies as both a stud and a femme. This term is a portmanteau of two slang words, stud and femme, which are used to describe lesbians who have masculine and feminine traits, styles, mannerisms, and self-perception.

Stems often have a blend of both a masculine and feminine style, care greatly about their appearance, and may wear dresses or skirts. They can also have long hair and love to experiment with makeup.

This term originated from the Black and Latinx communities, but is gaining popularity in LGBTQ+ communities across the globe. If you are a Black or Latinx person who likes to dress in a typically masculine way but with feminine characteristics, then you may identify as a stem.

Whether you are a stem or not, there are many ways to show support for the LGBTQ+ community. From dressing in queer-friendly fashion to getting transgender-affirming surgery, you can help make a difference!


If you are a Black or Latinx queer person who is somewhere in between stud and femme then you may identify as a stem. Stem is a racially specific term that is not used by White people but is more commonly used in the Black and Latinx community context.

Stem is an acronym that stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics and is also a portmanteau of stud-femme. This gender expression and identity defining term is a good way to describe someone who identifies as a cross between stud and femme without compromising on the masculine characteristics that are usually associated with stud and femininity associated with the word Femme.

Stems are a great option for those who want to be more feminine in their sexuality but do not have the time or energy to go through the process of changing to a full-fledged femme identity. They may be interested in learning how to do makeup and are willing to try new styles that are not traditionally feminine. They are also open-minded and nonjudgmental in their dating life.