Players are masters of double bluffing. They are narcissistic and value sex over a lasting connection. They rarely introduce you to their friends or parents. They do not want to be a friend for the long term.

What Is a Player in Dating
What Is a Player in Dating?

Whether you’re looking for a serious relationship or just a hook-up, you need to be discerning.

Players are experts at the double bluff

Players are not always good-looking, but they are charismatic and charming, and they know how to attract people. They are also skilled manipulators. A seasoned player is an expert at the double bluff – he can appear completely innocent while being anything but. He can even fudge his ‘tells’ to make an opponent think that he is innocent. A good player can leave a woman feeling like she is the only girl in the world, which is a great relief.

They are narcissistic

Narcissistic players are typically men, but women can also encounter them. Men with this personality disorder are notorious for love bombing, lavishing women with attention and affection until she is smitten, and then withdrawing. Relationships with a narcissist are shallow and uncommitted. Players are often only interested in a woman’s looks and never ask her about her life or career. These types of men are often the types of men who date musicians, bartenders, and busy consultants.

A narcissist is often hypersensitive to criticism and may react with shame or denial. A narcissist may even start an affair or wait until a partner leaves a party before revealing their true desires. If this happens, it’s time to break up.

They don’t introduce you to their parents or friends

You might be feeling like a player in dating if your partner doesn’t introduce you to their parents or other friends. This is a warning sign that your relationship is on the rocks. Many cheaters do not make an effort to meet their partners’ parents, and instead just feed and f**k you. They also won’t introduce you to their friends or kids, and they won’t talk about their future plans.

They are commitment-phobes

Commitment-phobes are difficult to date because they fear commitment. This fear can stem from childhood trauma or a previous unhealthy relationship. Commitment-phobia, also known as gamophobia, is a condition that causes significant anxiety and makes relationships difficult for those affected by it.

Commitment-phobes don’t initiate contact after dates and will sometimes go through long periods of radio silence. You might have to initiate contact with these people or do some romantic legwork for them.

They are fragile

When it comes to dating, there are a few warning signs to look out for. One of the most obvious is a fragile player. These are the people who don’t want to be committed or commit to a long-term relationship. This is because they have issues they’re trying to cope with and they’re trying to avoid being hurt in the process. You need to make sure that you’re ready to face those problems before you even consider dating a fragile player.