Hand kissing is a traditional greeting gesture, which is a sign of politeness, courtesy, respect and admiration. It has also come to represent devotion and devotional feelings. It was once considered a respectful way to greet a lady. Let’s take a look at the etiquette and protocol behind it.

The Etiquette of Hand Kissing
The Etiquette of Hand Kissing

The hand kiss is an important part of romance and a great way to show a woman that you care about her.


While hand kissing is a charming gesture, etiquette demands restraint, courtesy and elegance. Ladies should only give hand kisses to close female friends. Men should not kiss women’s hands except to express respect. In Europe, the hand kiss remains an important tradition, though it is not common in the United States.


Hand kissing is a romantic gesture, usually initiated by the man. This gesture conveys traditional emotional attraction, but it can also be seen as parody and a sign of mockery. It is advisable to avoid this gesture in professional settings such as meetings and conferences.


Hand kissing is a romantic gesture. It is most often initiated by a man. It expresses love, loyalty, and respect. However, there are some misunderstandings about the meaning of hand kisses. In some cultures, hand-kissing is misunderstood as a mocking gesture, while in others, the kiss is a gesture of respect and affection.


Hand kissing was originally practiced by men to show their fealty to rulers. According to Wikipedia, it originated in Poland and was later popularized in Spain. Over time, hand kissing has fallen out of favor and has been replaced by handshakes and cheek kisses. However, former French President Jacques Chirac made hand kissing one of his trademark gestures.


Hand kisses are an expression of chivalry. They originated in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and in the Spanish courts, and are still widely practiced today in some parts of Central and Eastern Europe. In most other parts of the world, however, the practice has declined.


Hand kisses are a very common way of showing loyalty to others. The gesture has deep historical and cultural roots, and it shows your respect for an authority figure, or someone of the opposite gender. The act of giving a hand-kiss to someone you respect is often a parting gesture, but it’s still an important one.


Hand kisses are a popular polite greeting gesture in some cultures. Europeans typically kiss the cheeks of someone they meet, but it is also common in some Asian countries. The act is not only a cultural greeting, but can also be a romantic gesture.