If you’re like many people, your sexuality is a complicated subject. You can feel unsure about your identity or be questioning if you’re gay at any age.

Signs Youre a Lesbian
Signs Youre a Lesbian

You may not even know it, but you might be a lesbian. If so, that’s a great thing.

1. You’re attracted to women

Lesbians are women who identify as sexually attracted to other women. They may also be referred to as gay, bisexual, or straight.

There is no real explanation as to why some women are lesbians and others aren’t, it’s simply a part of their sexuality. They may have a genetic predisposition to being attracted to women or may have had social experiences that have made them feel attracted to other women.

One of the ways that researchers have tried to understand the experiences of women is by examining the attraction they have to other women. In fact, they have found that many women are attracted to other women even when their long-term relationship isn’t going well.

2. You’ve had sexual or romantic experiences with women

Lesbians typically feel sexual and romantic attraction toward other women. They may also be attracted to nonbinary people.

Some people who don’t identify with the traditional genders of male and female may also be a lesbian, according to Jordan Underwood, a nonbinary, fat activist, model, and content creator.

Throughout history, gay and lesbian relationships have often been met with social repression or discrimination. This has resulted in many lesbians developing networks of support and identity to help them navigate their sexuality.

3. You don’t like traditionally feminine things

If you’re a lesbian, you probably don’t like traditionally feminine things. For example, you might be uncomfortable with things like jewelry or makeup.

It’s important to remember that gender is a social construct, and people don’t always agree on what it means. Femininity is often considered a negative trait, but it can also be beautiful and powerful.

You might find yourself doing things that are traditionally masculine or feminine, like going to the gym or making dinner for your family. But these aren’t necessarily signs that you’re gay.

Historically, people have stereotyped women and men based on what they look like and how they act. That’s why you might hear straight people say things like, “She looks too feminine to be into boys.”

4. You feel like you don’t fit in with other women

Often times you may feel like you don’t fit in with other women. This can occur at work, school or even when socializing with friends.

When you feel like you don’t fit in, it can be a debilitating feeling and can take a toll on your confidence.

This is why it’s important to get help from a professional.

One of the first things a therapist can do is help you to understand how you feel about yourself and what’s going on in your mind.

Once you have a better understanding of how you think and why you feel this way, it will be easier to overcome these feelings and connect with others.

5. You’ve had one relationship with a woman

Some people develop feelings for women at an early age, and some don’t get to this stage until later in life. Regardless, it is natural to be attracted to women.

You may be unsure if you’re lesbian or not, and it can take time to figure out. Generally, if you’ve had one relationship with a woman and it’s the only one you’ve ever had, it’s an indication that you are a lesbian.

If you feel safe enough, sharing that you’re a lesbian can be a good way to connect with other queer women. It also can help you build resiliency and support your mental health. It can be a challenging thing to do, but it is an important step in the process of feeling like you are your best self.