This article focuses on the former administrator’s close relationship with SCP staff and his involvement in the doxxing of minors. It also explores SCP-1805’s inactive phase and the containment initiative for SCP-2607.

SCP Sexual Incidences
SCP Sexual Incidences

The article also covers SCP-071’s ability to assume forms corresponding to its observer’s strongest sexual desires.

SCP-1805’s inactive phase

During its active phase, SCP-1805 constructs narratives about the imprinted subject. When it is inactive, however, it remains inactive. During this phase, SCP-1805 does not perform any sexual intercourse. Its activity ceases after five to ten days.

SCP-1805’s inactive phase is characterized by a number of anomalous effects. It is also known as “SCP-1805neun”. SCP-1805 is a code name for a superhuman and is derived from the Korean names geumandueossjiman, jugirago, and seororeul mandeuleossjyo.

SCP-1805 also expresses intense affection for its subjects. It calls its subjects “husbands,” “wifes,” and “wifes.” It often refers to its subjects as “husbands.” It also makes reference to them as “husbands” to other people.

SCP-2254-1 instances

SCP-2254-1 sexual instances are infants that grow rapidly after being conceived in an anomalous pregnant woman. They take on numerous non-human characteristics and do not match their mother genetically. They closely resemble a hypothetical proto-human and exhibit many deformed traits. These instances will also starve their birth mothers to encourage their rapid growth. This process negatively impacts the cognition of the birth mother, causing them to become passionately protective of their newborn.

SCP-2254-1 has been known to influence human decision-making and manipulate its targets into insemination. Its influence manifests itself as “dream states” and elevated suggestiveness. It can also be disrupted through the use of lachrymator agents or ammonia inhalants.

SCP-2607 containment initiative

SCP-2607 is a sexually transmitted anomaly that is highly contagious. Infected individuals must be detained and asked questions about their sexual habits. They must then be administered the targeted antiviral drug developed as part of the containment initiative. Furthermore, medical records of herpes simplex cases must be cross-referenced with those of users of “phone sex” telephone lines and internet sexual role-playing websites, and any pattern of these activities should be investigated immediately.

The Foundation has made anonymous donations to STD awareness programs in countries with documented outbreaks. They have also purchased patents for antiviral drugs and have arranged for these drugs to be made available at lower prices. They have also tried to regulate “phone sex” activities, but have been largely unsuccessful.

SCP-071’s ability to assume forms consistent with its observer’s strongest sexual desire

Known as the SCP-071 entity, this anomalous object is able to change into a variety of different forms. While these forms are typically human, SCP-071 is also capable of assuming animal forms. Dr. ####### in Addendum 071-01 describes an experiment in which SCP-071 assumed the form of a female Golden Retriever. The subject, D-7883, reacted to the transformation with shock and physiological signs that were consistent with a sexually-arousal state. The subject did not wish to continue with the experiment when SCP-071 changed into a dog form. The effects were documented and confirmed by medical personnel.

Since SCP-071 was brought to the Foundation’s attention, it has been linked to several medical cases. Currently, the Foundation is working to remove visual recordings of SCP-071 from the Internet.