Whether you’re a guy or a girl, a good first move can set the tone for your bedtime routine. It’s also a great way to build anticipation and excitement, as well as help you feel more confident in your own sexual abilities.

How to Make the First Move in Bed
How to Make the First Move in Bed

Regardless of your gender, there are a few tried-and-true techniques that can be used to make the first move in bed. Learn how to use these tricks and you’ll be turning him on in no time.


Kissing is one of the first signs that you’re getting closer to your partner. It’s an intimate gesture that indicates your desire for them and can be used as a way to make the first move in bed.

Unlike other types of physical intimacy, kissing triggers the release of hormones like oxytocin and dopamine that promote bonding in couples. The chemical also lowers cortisol (the stress hormone), improving your mood and feelings of self-worth.

In addition, kissing can help a person ease allergies. A Japanese study found that a 30-minute kiss can reduce hives and other symptoms associated with allergic reactions.

Despite this, some people are still uncomfortable making the first move in bed because they’re nervous about the kiss itself. That’s why it’s important to start off on the couch or other less-threatening place, and let her get comfortable before you make your move.


Touching is a hugely powerful form of communication, but it can be tricky to know how to make the first move in bed without being too aggressive or triggering. But the good news is that touching can actually do more than feel good to your body and brain — it can also help build a strong connection between you and your partner, lower stress levels, and even boost your immune system!

Whenever someone touches you, your brain sends signals to release the hormone oxytocin. Oxytocin makes you feel good, firms up emotional and social bonds, and lowers anxiety and fear, research suggests.

This is why it’s so important to encourage your partner to feel comfortable with you touching them. A good starting point is to rub their shoulders when they’re stressed out or give them a quick peck on the cheek while you pass by.


Stitching is a simple way to show your love. It’s a great way to get creative and show your personality while still giving the original content creator credit for their video.

TikTok gives you the flexibility to decide who can Stitch with your videos. You can do this by adjusting your privacy settings for your account or before you share each individual video.

One of the most popular uses of Stitching is for duets. These stitched videos are placed side by side and play at the same time.

If you want to create a stitched duet, you can record the same video as another user and add your own response or story to theirs. It’s a great way to keep your audience engaged and get in front of new users!

For example, Netflix used the Stitch feature to encourage tiktokers to respond with their favorite love-themed videos by stitching in their reactions. This helped increase the virality of Netflix’s Tinder Swindler video and landed the hashtags in front of over 11 million viewers!


Riding is the act of sitting on the back of a horse while it trots, canters, or gallops along. It’s also a sport in its own right, and there are many variations to it, including horse racing and rodeo.

In the bedroom, you can use your man to give you a great ride — and we’re not just talking about riding his Big Fella over the bed. This position puts you in control and allows you to play hard to get with your man — which is why it’s so sexy, and the first move that many women make when starting their sexual adventures together.

There are a few things to remember when it comes to riding your man, however. The most important is that you need to have the right attitude, and be willing to let go of your inhibitions. You also need to know the right moves and techniques to make this move as enjoyable for your guy as possible.