Unlike the immature ways of their twenties, men in there 30s are ready to commit to meaningful relationships. They’ve grown up and put their immaturity behind them. You can easily attract them, if you know how to tap into their intelligence. They’re a great source of inspiration.

How to Attract Men in Their 30s
How to Attract Men in Their 30s

Mood swings

Mood swings in men can be caused by a number of factors, including stress, illness, or underlying psychological causes. Men who are battling a substance abuse disorder may be especially susceptible to mood swings. When they are trying to quit or are restricted in their access to the substance, they may be irritable, which makes mood swings more noticeable.

One of the most important ways to combat mood swings is to identify the source of the stress. This can help to determine if there is a underlying physical condition. For example, low testosterone is a leading cause of irritability in men. Another possible cause of mood swings in men is obesity, which causes fat cells to produce estrogen.

Problem solving

Men in their 30s are able to use their problem-solving skills in a more mature way than ever before. They don’t let defeatism or moaning get in the way of finding the best solution. They stay cool under pressure and keep everyone’s spirits high. These men also don’t shy away from making sacrifices. They are able to stay quiet until they find the solution, which helps others feel safe around them.

Abstract thinking

Research shows that abstract thinking skills are associated with greater self-control. That’s because people are easier to control when they have a reason to do something. But how do you increase your abstract thinking skills? Here are some tips. To start, train your brain for abstract thinking. Mental exercises such as solving puzzles and performing arts and crafts help you improve your abstract reasoning skills.

The ability to think in terms of ideas rather than objects is a fundamental skill of human beings. It helps us communicate with others. It also allows us to develop tools.


One of the most effective ways for a man to look sharp and presentable is by keeping a casual wardrobe. That doesn’t mean foregoing formality – you can still wear dapper suits or comfortable jeans – but keep in mind that the way you dress says a lot about you and how others perceive you.


Determination is an important characteristic to have in your 30s. Men who are confident in themselves are able to see the positive side of things and to separate the good from the bad. This helps them make bold decisions. They can also see that they have the capability to succeed despite failure.


Researchers have looked at several cases of men who grew to love heterosexual women. Most of the men in these cases were in happy, stable heterosexual relationships. However, a few have strayed from this path. One study, conducted on respondents who were attracted to people of the same sex, found that as many as 38% of men and 53% of women shifted from a fully homosexual to a completely heterosexual identity.

Inequity is a big problem in heterosexual relationships. They are often rigged from the beginning. And even “good” heterosexual men are not immune to these problems. The problem is that bad sex is centered around men orgasms over women, and women’s careers and emotional labor are often sidelined.

Testicular cancer

Testicular cancer is the second most common type of cancer among young men. It affects the testicles, which produce male sex hormones and sperm that are used for reproduction. It is highly treatable and affects only one testicle in most men. Symptoms include pain, swelling, or lumps. In some cases, it can spread to the lymph nodes in the abdomen.

The main type of testicular cancer is seminoma, which originates in the germ cells of the testes. It grows and spreads very slowly. Seminomas usually develop in men between the late teens and early 30s. There are also other types of testicular cancer, such as choriocarcinoma and embryonal carcinoma.