A transsexual is someone who experiences an inconsistent gender identity with their assigned sex. These individuals wish to transition to their assigned sex permanently. To achieve this, transsexuals often seek medical assistance. This type of transitional surgery involves surgically altering an individual’s body to match the identified sex. It is a major operation and may require several surgeries to complete. While surgery is not always necessary, some medical conditions may make transsexual transitioning difficult.

An Overview of Transsexual Sexuality
An Overview of Transsexual Sexuality


The term ‘transsexual’ is used to refer to a transgender person who is not assigned a gender at birth. They have a sense of self that is male and not female. While some transgender people choose to change their appearance or body, or even their name, others do not see the need to do so and continue to live as they are. The term ‘transsexual’ is derived from the differences between their internal gender identity and the external societal expectations they face.

Although transgender people may not consider themselves to be transsexual, some cultures do still use the term in their culture to refer to those who are transitioning between sexes. While the word has negative connotations in some cultures, the majority of transgender people consider these actions a necessary part of their experience. While some transgender people may find the term offensive, it has roots in professional fields of psychology and medicine. These fields incorrectly labeled all transgender people as sexually deviants or mentally ill. Today, these fields of mental health recognize that transgender identities are not mental illnesses, and that transgender people can live a healthy life expressing their true identity as a woman.


The term “transsexual” describes individuals who experience gender identity that is inconsistent with the assigned sex. These individuals generally seek medical help to align their body with their chosen sex. Depending on the specific circumstances of each person, medical treatment may be necessary. In rare cases, surgery may be performed to permanently transform a person’s body. This medical procedure may be accompanied by an emotional and psychological trauma. However, it can be a positive experience for the transsexual and transgender community.

While the terms transsexual and transgender have many differences, they are both meant to describe alternative expressive behaviors. In many ways, transsexuality and transgender identity are like a car model. One car is a Porsche, and another is a convertible. Both terms refer to different expressions of sexuality, and both are equally valid. Some individuals may prefer the term transsexual over the other, or even choose to avoid it altogether.


The word “transvestite” has many connotations. The term is commonly associated with transvestic fetishism, cross-dressing, or transgender clothing choices. Some of these activities have negative connotations, while others are considered normal and even acceptable. Here’s an overview of transvestite sexuality. But what is it, and how does it differ from other forms of transgender sexuality?

The rise of Anita Bryant and the emergence of the Transgender Liberation Front in the late 1970s created space for trans rhetors in the LGBT community. In this space, trans rhetors challenged normative sexual practices and contested their status as sexual activists. Bryant was a target of homosexuals, lesbians, and transgender people. Nevertheless, the rise of trans rhetors gave the LGBT community a new platform to fight for sexual equality.


Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) has been used to compare brain activation patterns of male-to-female transsexuals and female-to-male transsexuals. Nine healthy MTF transsexuals underwent fMRI on a 3.0 Tesla MR Scanner. Male erotic nude pictures were used to induce brain activation patterns. Sex hormone levels in the postoperative MTF transsexuals were similar to those in heterosexual females.

MTF transsexuals have various surgical options, such as mastectomy or hysterectomy. Some choose to have genital surgery, such as phalloplasty, which involves removing the testes. Other transgender women may choose to undergo a facial feminization or breast augmentation procedure. Both options may be expensive, but some transgender people opt for a more natural solution. And, if you are not able to afford surgery or don’t want to have it done, you can choose to self-surfare.


If you have decided that you want to become a transsexual, then you are probably wondering about the MTF-to-Female transition. If you are born a male and would like to transition to female, this process can be a great way to achieve this. This process is commonly performed through sex reassignment surgery and hormone replacement therapy. During this process, you will no longer experience any feelings of gender dysphoria, but will have a new sex identity.

The mortality rate of MtF transsexuals was remarkably high, with five times the average of men. The higher than normal mortality rate was linked to an increased use of illicit drugs and suicide. Although the rate of AIDS and suicide deaths was slightly higher than in the general population, the FtM-to-Female transsexual’s mortality rate was not statistically significant compared to the mortality rate of female patients. In addition, the majority of fatalities were due to other causes.